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聯絡方式 Contact Method3
https://www.unicodes.com.tw/custom_130858.html 聯絡方式 Contact Method 聯絡方式 Contact Method 您可以透過以下方式與我們聯繫   You may contact us through the following ways 電話聯繫  Phone 請撥打辦公室市內電話 02 6613-0600 向本所接線人員說明˙有案件諮詢或委任,接線人員將會通知所內律師處理。 Please call the office telephone number 886-2-6613-0600, and explain to the operator of our office that there is a case consultation or appointment. The operator will notify the lawyer  to handle it. 電子郵件  E-Mail 請撰寫電子郵件 lawoffice@unicodes.com.tw 至本所並說明有案件諮詢或委任,本所人員將會通知所內律師予以處理。 Please write an email to lawoffice@unicodes.com.tw and state that there is a case consultation or appointment. Our staff will notify the lawyer of our office to handle it.
https://www.unicodes.com.tw/ 世典法律事務所 (UniversalCodes Law Offices)